About the Journal
The Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems; AJSS is published quarterly by the Signals and systems
Laboratory at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, M’hamed Bougara University of
Boumerdes. The journal publishes papers dealing with all aspects of electrical systems and signals. AJSS
aims to encourage and promote research in electrical engineering and electronics. It is a platform to share
experiences and present research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Electrical
Engineering. The journal publishes research papers, review papers and case studies. The journal scope
covers ; but not limited to, the following topics : Control Systems Engineering : Control and Robotics,
Measurements and Instrumentation, System Identification, Nonlinear and Robust Control, Intelligent
Control, Fault Diagnosis. Power Engineering : Power Systems analysis, Power Systems operation and
control, Power Electronics, Machines and Electric drives, High Voltage Engineering, Renewable Energy,
Energy Efficiency, Power quality, Smart Grid. Telecommunications and Signal Processing: Image and
speech Processing, Pattern Recognition, Biomedical Imaging, RF/Microwave Circuits and Systems,
Antennas and Wave Propagation, Radar and Satellite Systems, Information Theory and Coding, Wireless
and Mobile Communications. Computer Engineering and applications: Design and development methodologies, Embedded Architectures and Technologies, Intelligent Systems and Application, Microprocessor, Microcontroller, DSP, FPGA based Systems. Microelectronics: Material science, modeling,
Semiconductor Characterization and Modeling, Metamaterial application.
We are convinced that « Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems » will be among the best platforms to
publish papers with authentic and insightful scientific and technological information on the latest dvances in electrical and electronic engineering.
This Journal is dedicated to the memory of Pr. Larbi REFOUFI who passed away on February 1, 2015 at the
age of 60 "to God we belong, and to him is our return". Pr. Larbi REFOUFI is the former director of the
research laboratory who has put the first stone of this publication.