Risk Analysis and Assessment of Butane-Propane Splitter Column in the Skikda Refinery Petroleum Plant


  • Amina BENAISSA Department of Process Engineering, University 20 August 1955, Skikda, Algeria
  • Mohyiddine HAMAIDIA Automatic Laboratory of Skikda (LAS), University 20 August1955, Skikda, Algeria
  • Malika KHELFAOUI Department of Process Engineering, University 20 August 1955, Skikda, Algeria
  • Wafia BENHAMLAOUI Department of Process Engineering, University 20 August 1955, Skikda, Algeria




Risk, Threaten zones, HAZOP, PHAST, Major scenarios


Risk analysis and assessment are extremely important in the petrochemical sector to prevent potential risks. This study was carried out at Gas platform (unit No 30) of Skikda refinery Algeria, with the aim of predicting and estimating the effects of major explosions in the propane and butane Splitter column and estimating the possible human and environmental consequences of the containment loss. The methodology developed here is based on a combination of HAZOP presentation and PHAST tool. First, HAZOP is used to capture the responsible derivations of operating parameters to produce the worst consequences. Related Causes, safety barriers and some recommendations are carried out in a HAZOP sheet which represents all of that. Then the major scenarios detected by the worst consequences have been studied and modeled by PHAST software. The modeling process is completed by simulating the principal effects (Jetfire, BLEVE, UVCE) resulting from two scenarios in the form of two potential leaks on the bottom and the head of a gas separator column containing butane and propane respectively. The results are shown on the region map to indicate the exact threaten zones. Finally, a comparison in terms of effects between the two scenarios is performed and some conclusions are extracted.



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Author Biographies

Amina BENAISSA, Department of Process Engineering, University 20 August 1955, Skikda, Algeria



Mohyiddine HAMAIDIA, Automatic Laboratory of Skikda (LAS), University 20 August1955, Skikda, Algeria



Malika KHELFAOUI, Department of Process Engineering, University 20 August 1955, Skikda, Algeria



Wafia BENHAMLAOUI, Department of Process Engineering, University 20 August 1955, Skikda, Algeria






How to Cite

BENAISSA, A. , HAMAIDIA, M. , KHELFAOUI, M. and BENHAMLAOUI, W. 2023. Risk Analysis and Assessment of Butane-Propane Splitter Column in the Skikda Refinery Petroleum Plant. Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems . 7, 4 (Jan. 2023), 156-163. DOI:https://doi.org/10.51485/ajss.v7i4.176.


