Three-phase Three-level Inverter Grid-tied PV System with Fuzzy Logic Control based MPPT


  • Yacine AYACHI AMOR Laboratoire de Maitrise des Energies Renouvelables (LMER), Faculté de Technologie, Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
  • Frid HAMOUDI Laboratoire de Maitrise des Energies Renouvelables (LMER), Faculté de Technologie, Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
  • Aissa KHELDOUN Signals and Systems Laboratory, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Université M’hamed Bougara de Boumerdes, Avenue of Independence, 35000 Boumerdes, Algeria



Fuzzy logic MPPT controller, Three-level T-type inverter, photovoltaic generator, grid connection, power quality


This paper presents a three phase single stage grid connected photovoltaic PV system. Maximum power transfer from the solar array to grid is ensured by using fuzzy logic (FL) based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller. The proposed MPPT technique provides fast and high performances under variable climate conditions as well as sudden variation of irradiance level. Change of measured photovoltaic power and its rate of change are the input variables of the proposed fuzzy logic controller while the change in reference current is defined as the output variable. In order to meet the power quality required by the international standards, a Space Vector Modulation (SVM) controlled three-level T-type inverter and a series LCL filter are used. To show the effectiveness of the proposed grid-connected system, Matlab/Simulink software is used to carry out the simulation part. Obtained results show the role of each component, particularly the response of the maximum power tracking, the quality of the injected power, the unity power factor operation and the system’s efficiency.


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How to Cite

AYACHI AMOR, Y. , HAMOUDI, F. and KHELDOUN, A. 2018. Three-phase Three-level Inverter Grid-tied PV System with Fuzzy Logic Control based MPPT. Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems . 3, 3 (Sep. 2018), 96-105. DOI:


